THERMOTEK™ METAL PRIMER All Products DESCRIPTION THERMOTEK™ METAL PRIMERTHERMOTEK™ METAL PRIMER is an iron oxide, zinc rich, and durable acrylic primer designed to seal and prime metal.More Products THERMOTEK™ PRIMER THERMOTEK™ EPOXY PRIMER THERMOTEK™ SILICONE PRIMERADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS THERMOTEK™ METAL PRIMERCreates a tough, chemical resistant and durable film over the roof.Non-toxic and VOC compliant.Easy application.Has a quick drying time.Possess excellent adhesion to metal surfaces.More Products THERMOTEK™ PRIMER THERMOTEK™ EPOXY PRIMER THERMOTEK™ SILICONE PRIMERUSES THERMOTEK™ METAL PRIMERThe THERMOTEK™ METAL PRIMER is engineered to prime and seal any metal surface to be coated with a THERMOTEK™ coating system.More Products THERMOTEK™ PRIMER THERMOTEK™ EPOXY PRIMER THERMOTEK™ SILICONE PRIMERPHYSICAL PROPERTIESMore Products THERMOTEK™ PRIMER THERMOTEK™ EPOXY PRIMER THERMOTEK™ SILICONE PRIMERSPEC SHEET More Products THERMOTEK™ PRIMER THERMOTEK™ EPOXY PRIMER THERMOTEK™ SILICONE PRIMERDOWNLOAD BROCHURE More Products THERMOTEK™ PRIMER THERMOTEK™ EPOXY PRIMER THERMOTEK™ SILICONE PRIMER